Charlie & Mona Costa

Middle East Coordinator

Hello everyone, I hope you guys are doing well. Just a quick update about the situation in Lebanon. This past weekend was a tough one as the shelling of Beirut resumed. It is mainly in specific known areas and territories yet most of the city hears the explosions and live through the fear of what may come next.

So far there has been according to the UNHCR around 1.2 million people displaced in Lebanon (which is around 20% of the population) and more than 2400 dead and 11,500 people injured. People here as you may well imagine are scared and feel hopeless. The things that the Lebanese people have endured in the last 5 years are so traumatic to last 5 lifetimes. It’s hard to see people just frustrated, broken and helpless. Please continue to pray for the Lebanese people so they may endure what is happening and so God may reveal Himself to them despite the circumstances

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If you would like to contribute and help us minister to these displaced families please contact me:
or you can simply donate to: 

Just an update on our situation in Lebanon. We continue our work as usual and as our churches have commissioned us and expect us to do. Our family, my wife Mona, Joe and family and Dr. Rana and her family made a decision long time ago when we decided to follow the calling of Jesus, no turning back, no turning back. Facing the cross, as difficult as that was, my savior did not turn his back on me. I surely will not, by his grace, turn my back on him. Our legacy as missionaries of the BMAA is that we go all the way, and the Costa family is not the only example.
We are well and safe. I continue to check on our team members who are also safe so far.
You can help by praying for:
Perseverance, Protection, and Provision.

You can help by giving  to sustain the work in tumultuous times. Use the BMAGlobal website to do so.

Update from Charley Costa in regards to recent bombing in Lebanon

NOTE: The information above was taken from an email sent by Joe & Mira Costa.

As for us, we are safe and are doing well. We continue to serve the community as much as we possibly can. Online, we have changed our strategy and have focused on posting relatable content and try to be a comforting voice in hard and cruel circumstances.

We also have been doing ministry with displaced people. So far we have been helping several families from the Christian community that have been displaced due to the situation and have also taken on the responsibility to sponsor one school near our office that shelters around 270 people by providing their dire needs. So far we have provided over 250 food packages, 120 mattresses, 500 canned goods, and some sanitary items.

We’re also doing 2 weekly programs for kids, teens, young adults and women in a collaboration with YFC Lebanon, & I Am a Women Ministry (BMA-MENA initiative). We have also collaborated with Total Care Lebanon to sponsor 3 meals so far and do some fun programs for the kids and show them love and care.


Faith is more than religion. It's about a relationship between a person and God. Together, we make faith worth living.


will be visiting with us, read more about Caitlin (HERE)